Wi-Fi Hotspots

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On July 18, 2024, the FCC voted to adopt a Report and Order (Order) establishing rules that will provide support for students, school staff, and library patrons around the country who are without internet access at home. As a result, schools and libraries will be able to utilize E-Rate funds to acquire and loan out Wi-Fi hotspots which will provide internet access to students and library patrons without reliable home-based internet access. A Wi-Fi hotspot is a wireless access point that provides for the connection of phones, tablets, computers and other devices to the internet. A mobile plan with a data allowance is required to connect a smartphone or other personal device. In adopting the new rules, the FCC states that the new rules will modernize the E-Rate program by permitting eligible schools and libraries to request E-Rate support for Wi-Fi hotspots and wireless internet services that can be used off-premises so that students, school staff, and library patrons with the greatest need can be connected to the internet. The following are the key elements of the Order:

* The Order updates the FCC’s E-Rate rules to provide support for schools and libraries to purchase Wi-Fi hotspots and wireless services to be loaned out to and used by students, school staff, and library patrons off-premises.

* A three-year budget is adopted to limit funding and allow for the equitable distribution of funding.

* If demand for E-Rate support exceeds available funding, requests for on-premises support will be given priority.

* The new rules include safeguards to ensure that supported Wi-Fi hotspots are in use and are being used for educational purposes.

* Support for eligible Wi-Fi hotspots and services used off-premises is limited to not more than one Wi-Fi hotspot per student, school staff member, or library patron.

FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel and Commissioners Starks and Gomez voted in favor of the new rules while Commissioners Carr and Simington dissented. The Order finds that the off-premises use of Wi-Fi hotspots and associated wireless service serve an educational purpose and will enhance access to advanced services for schools and libraries.

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