CLEC Planning & Implementation 1

CLEC Planning &


To combat with poaching of customers Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs) have the opportunity to enter new markets, expand their services, and increase their revenues. Every small, rural telephone company should at least consider the risks and rewards of becoming a CLEC.

Large, lucrative markets, once the sole provinces of Bell and Independent holding companies are now open to small ILEC products and services. In a world where regulated revenues are threatened at every turn, entry into the CLEC business is one of the best ways for small, rural ILECs to maintain customers, grow, and/or prosper.

From the initial feasibility studies and pro formas, through the final interconnection agreements and systems changes that will make your CLEC a reality ICORE can help. We will assist with your business plan, the various regulatory hurdles, tariff development, marketing strategies, and all of the other elements that are necessary to launch a successful CLEC business.

Because some ILECs will require only guidance and advice, or perhaps only assistance with CLEC certification or interconnection agreements, we offer very customizable pricing. For others, ICORE can provide a full array of services, including legal and regulatory work; the preparation of business/marketing plans; help with financing; partnering with cable TV, electric companies, or others; implementation; and operating support.

Should you want to consider a CLEC business please call or email Chris Ulmer at 610-928-3903 to learn more about how ICORE can assist you.