Administrative Operating Company Number
AOCN Services
The AOCN Service is the process of updating and maintaining NPA NXX information in the LERG (Local Exchange Routing Guide) on behalf of Service Providers. The LERG is operated and maintained by the TruOps Telecom Routing Administration (TRA) Group at Iconectiv. ICORE has a dedicated interface with the LERG input System at TRA.
The timelines and accuracy of the NPA-NXX Code information being populated into these Databases are critical to the routing of all calls and the generation of proper revenues for your company. Therefore, the selection of a competent and responsible AOCN company is vital to your operations.
ICORE would like to be your AOCN service provider. We have established an excellent working relationship with TRA and have considerable experience and knowledge supporting the routing of calls. In addition to AOCN functions, ICORE can support many other related functions for you, such as:
- NPA-NXX Code Assignments from NANPA (North American Numbering Plan Administration)
- CLLI (Common Language Location Identification) Codes
- CIC (Carrier Identification Codes) Codes
- OCN (Operating Company Number) Codes
- ACNA (Access Customer Name Abbreviation) Codes
- LRNs (Local Routing Numbers) used for LNP (Local Number Portability)
- ...and the list goes on...
ICORE will also pursue regulatory issues and concerns should any unique situations arise.
We recognize that the operations and functions of the telephone business vary from company to company. Therefore, a “cookie cutter” approach does not always work. Please contact Chris Ulmer (610-928-3903) or Don Snyder (610-928-3906) to discuss your unique requirements so that we may customize our AOCN Services to meet your needs.