Big Brother Wants the Internet Back

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a bill that would put the internet back firmly under government control. The primarily Democrat-backed Save The Internet legislation would rescind the FCC’s…

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“21st Century Internet Act” Introduced in Congress

If enacted, the legislation proposed by Republican Congressman Mike Coffman of Colorado will codify into federal law “four corners” of net neutrality, while creating a new title for broadband services…

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Rosenworcel Calls Internet Order “Ugly”

The recently adopted and released Restoring Internet Freedom Order, which returned light touch FCC regulation to the net, brought a scathing, almost hysterical statement of dissent from minority Commissioner Jessica…

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Open Internet Bill Introduced

A bill introduced by Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) will provide, in the future, a legislative solution to the extremely controversial subject of how the internet will be governed. It will…

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Alt-Left Protests Net Neutrality Changes

The unhinged far left, including antifa members and “comedian” John Oliver, has launched several attacks on FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and his plan to reverse net neutrality regulation. Over the…

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Title I or Title II?

The FCC’s highly controversial Net Neutrality Order, issued in 2015 by the Tom Wheeler-led Commission, is under serious attack from current Republican Chairman Ajit Pai. In the recent circulation of…

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First Shot Fired at Net Neutrality Rules

President Trump recently signed a congressional resolution of disapproval, effectively repealing internet privacy rules passed by the Tom Wheeler-led Federal Communications Commission. Republican Chairman Ajit Pai said the action was…

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