Net Neutrality

On April 25, 2024, the FCC adopted a Declaratory Ruling, Order, Report and Order, and Order on Reconsideration (Open Internet Order) restoring FCC oversight of broadband internet access service (BIAS)…


Why is the Federal Communications Commission Still in Neutral?

After almost six months under President Biden’s leadership, we have to wonder why the FCC is evenly split between 2 Democrat and 2 Republican Commissioners. Almost as perplexing is the…

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Back to the Future?

Several Democrat Congressional leaders have recently urged President Biden to nominate a new Federal Communications Commission Chairman, or to begin the process of making interim Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s position permanent and…

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Rosenworcel Named FCC Interim Chairwoman—What’s Next?

President Biden has done the expected, appointing Jessica Rosenworcel, a Democrat and longest tenured Commissioner, as interim Chairwoman of the FCC. She has already served eight years, starting in 2012,…

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New Study Finds Net Neutrality Inhibits Broadband Investment

A study of net neutrality regulations in 32 Organizations for Economic Co-0peration and Development (OECD) countries has found that such regulations “suppress (both) broadband subscriptions and investment in fiber optics.”…

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Senators Still Railing Against FCC’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order

In an early April letter, a group of twenty-eight Senators- including twenty-seven Democrats and one "Independent," (Bernie Sanders, who votes with Republicans about as often  as my beloved Buffalo Bills…

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